Tuesday 29 May 2012


If, like me, you just woke up to rain and thunder and stayed in bed then you are obviously living your best life right now. However there is more than series in bed/work/studying to look forward to on this BLESSED day  because tonight is :

and more particularly:

Being aware of how hard it is to to leave the bed in this kind of weather I must point out that it is only going to get worse so try party before Cape Town shuts down completely (as it does every winter). Also maybe now's the time to find a cuddle partner for the upcoming cold months so you don't have to just watch your friends make out during "group" movie nights. ANYWAY...

Since Tommy

is away somewhere

This other guy Wayde

is running the party. And it's his last one so come support him with your

You will be losing your mind (on the new enlarged dance floor) to the following hunks:

In case you're foreign and in which case I truly recommend you come here's where to go

See you all THERE x

Click here to find out more

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